Over the last decade, research scaled up tremendously in terms of publications, research data, authors, contributing institutions, projects, and funding opportunities. Nowadays, research and scientific progress, with an estimated literature corpus of over 160 million articles, an annual increase rate of around 1.5 million publications, and a deluge of (open) research data and software, are characterised as multifaceted, high-frequency, global-scale phenomenona that can be approached computationally thanks to the vast amount of data available.
It is therefore of paramount importance to study such an articulated, evolving system in order to understand its dynamics, patterns, internal equilibria, and interactions among the diverse scientific actors and stakeholders. In particular, recent studies have proved that a holistic study of research as a complex phenomenon inserted in a delicate socio-economic and geopolitical context, rather than as an isolated, context-unaware system, can provide a deeper understanding of how research and researchers influence and are influenced by the world outside academia. An analysis as such can provide answers to socio-economic questions, frame academic research on the geopolitical canvas, provide insight on the factors that generate successful science, allocate better the available resources, and therefore benefit from greater impact and efficacy.
The main objective of the proposed workshop is to bring together researchers from both quantitative and qualitative studies, practitioners and policy-makers working in the field of academic research, scholarly communication, and knowledge production to reframe research in relation to the underlying socio-economic and geopolitical canvas.
In particular, we intend to encourage interdisciplinary analysis that considers research as a complex system that influences and is influenced by society, economics, culture, and politics. This would include (computational) analysis of academic social networks and interactions among different research communities, exploration of factors influencing or preventing scientific collaboration and knowledge dissemination, exploration of trends, polarisations and biases in research, methodologies, indicators and measures for assessing research impact on society and industry, policies and practices fostering better scientific progress, and so on.
The workshop welcomes contributions of the following kinds:
Submissions must adhere to CEUR-WS single-columns format. An Overleaf template is available for LaTeX users, while Word submissions should use the template provided here. Submissions must be handed in for review as PDF files, and must be self-contained and in English. The ones that do not follow these guidelines, or do not view or print properly, may be desk rejected without review. Authors are responsible for ensuring that submissions adhere strictly to the required format.
Please, submit your contribution to RefResh via Easychair here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=refresh22.
The submissions will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style,
clarity, and relevance to
the workshop.
Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately
assess its
Please consider that reviewers will be from an interdisciplinary community.
RefResh also supports the
Linked Research principles; we
applaud authors having care to consider them when preparing their papers.
The proceedings of TPDL 2022 workshops and doctoral consortium will be published jointly in the
CEUR Workshop Series.
It is our intention to make available the accepted papers on this website and as an
Open Access post-print collection on
Zenodo as well.
For any further questions, feel free to contact us at refresh22@easychair.org
RefResh 2022 is a co-located event of the
26th International Conference on Theory and Practice
Digital Libraries
(TPDL 2022), 20-23 September 2022, Padua, Italy.
The workshop will take place on the 20th of September.
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI)
Nazionale delle
Ricerche (CNR)
Pisa, Italy
Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Milton Keynes,
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI)
Nazionale delle
Ricerche (CNR)
Pisa, Italy